1. In Terms of the Licensing Act 2003 and the Gambling Act 2005 to determine all applications in the following categories where representations have been received,or where objections from the Police/Commission have been made:
• Personal Licence
• Premises Licence/Club Premises Certificate
• Provisional Statement
• Variation of designated personal licence holder
• Transfer of Premises Licence
• Application for interim authority
• Variation of a Premises Licence
2. To determine all matters in the following categories
• Personal Licence with unspent convictions
• Review Premises Licence/Club Premises Certificate
• Decision to object when Local Authority is a consultee and not the relevant Authority considering the application
• Police or Environmental Health objection to a temporary event notice
• Cancellation of club gaming/club machine permits
• Counter notice to a temporary use notice
3. Employment Appeals
• To consider appeals against dismissal and as the Final Stage in the District Council’s Grievance Policy.
• To consider initial reports concerning allegations against a Statutory Chief Officer brought on the designated Receiving Officer
• To agree having received the initial report of the Receiving Officer whether suspension, working from home and some other arrangement is appropriate
• To agree other appropriate action in relation to the matters raised by the Receiving Officer to include mediation, reconciliation or mutual termination of conduct – subject to Council’s satisfaction.
4. TPO and Miscellaneous Appeals
• Determination of Appeals.