Agenda item

Temporary Traveller Sites

This report brings together the results of the consultation process that took place from late July to late September 2024 concerning 6 potential traveller sites and invites council to consider which, if any, of the six potential sites previously identified are to be progressed as temporary site(s) for use by Travellers.


The Director of Housing introduced a report which brought together the results of the consultation process that took place from late July to late September 2024 concerning 6 potential traveller sites and invited Council to consider which, if any, of the six potential sites previously identified are to be progressed as temporary sites(s) for use by Travellers.


The Community and Environment Committee on 22nd July 2024 approved seven recommendations relating to Travellers. One of the recommendations included undertaking a six-week consultation concerning the potential use of six sites in Council ownership for use as temporary traveller sites.


A public consultation exercise was initiated which included an online and hard-copy questionnaire and a series of public meetings. A dedicated traveller email inbox was established to provide a central point of contact. Significant volume of material was received through these channels. These emails, together with other individual emails sent to officers had also been documented and the results of these were set out within section 2 of the report. It was noted that the combined impact of the consultation exercise significantly stretched the Councils capacity and officer resources.


A total number of 1751 respondents participated in the survey. The University of Derby undertook the analysis of the responses received via the Council’s online survey. Their report was attached at Appendix 1.


19:20 – Councillor Bob Butcher left the room and re-entered at 19:22.

19:26 – Councillor Simon Ripton left the room and re-entered at 19:28.


Members asked the Director of Housing a number of question on the report, which were answered.


The officer recommendations as set out in the report were then moved by Councillor Steve Flitter, and seconded by Councillor Neil Buttle in accordance with Rule of Procedure 16, together with an amendment to the recommendations as set out below:


1.     That Council note the responses received to the public consultation exercise, has due regard to the responses, and consider which, if any, of the six potential sites previously identified are to be progressed as temporary site(s) for use by Travellers.  


2.     That in accordance with the 2024 – 2028 Derbyshire Dales Corporate Plan commitment to deliver permanent and temporary sites for Travellers, authority be delegated to the Director of Housing to progress the provision of a temporary site (subject to planning permission) on land at Matlock Station, Derwent Way, Matlock for a site occupation period of 2 years and just for named travellers for whom the Council has a homelessness obligation through their local connection. Such provision is to include necessary facilities and services to satisfy the human welfare needs of the site occupiers and to mitigate potential impacts identified through the consultation, on the surrounding environment, and on the host communities, as far as possible.


3.     That subject to planning permission, further temporary site provision be made for a site occupation period of 2 years just for named travellers for whom the Council has a homelessness obligation through their local connection, at the following sites: at Station Yard Car Park, Matlock Bath (occupation annually restricted to 1st November – 28th February), land beyond the Car Park Old Station Close, Rowsley (occupation annually restricted to 1st March – 31st October), and Land to north-west of cemetery, New Road, Middleton (occupation annually restricted to 1st March –31st October), with a week’s leeway allowed in each restriction. Such provision is to include necessary facilities and services to satisfy the human welfare needs of the site occupiers and measures to mitigate potential impacts identified through the consultation, on the surrounding environment, and on the host communities, as far as possible.


4.     That authority be delegated to the Director of Housing to submit applications for planning permission in respect of the above sites.  


5.     That subject to (1) (2) (3) and (4) above an initial sum of £10,000 be included in the capital programme for a temporary traveller site, financed from the corporate plan priority reserve, and that authority be delegated to the Director of Housing to formulate proposals for further capital funding to enable the selected sites to be included in the capital programme in accordance with the council’s financial regulations.


6.     That sites at the ARC at Matlock and the land to the southwest of Hopton Rd Wirksworth be withdrawn on the grounds of location and environmental issues.

Members then debated the amended proposal in accordance with Procedure Rule 18.


At 20:29, it was moved by Councillor David Hughes, seconded by Councillor Peter Dobbs and


RESOLVED (Unanimously)


That in accordance with Rule of Procedure 13, the meeting continue for a further 30 minutes.


The Chair declared the motion CARRIED.


At 21:00, the Chair used their discretion to extend the meeting in order to conclude the business on the Agenda.


In accordance with Rule of Procedure 19 (d) a recorded vote was requested by Councillor Anthony Bates and seconded by Councillor Susan Hobson, this is detailed below:


For: 15 Councillors: Robert Archer, Matt Buckler, Sue Burfoot, Bob Butcher, Neil Buttle, Peter Dobbs, Steve Flitter, Marilyn Franks, David Hughes, Joanne Linthwaite, Laura Mellstrom, Peter O’Brien, Lucy Peacock, Simon Ripton and Nick Wilton


Against: 10 Councillors: Anthony Bates, John Bointon, Geoff Bond, Sue Bull, David Chapman, Nigel Edwards-Walker, Helen Froggatt, Gareth Gee, Susan Hobson and Stuart Lees.


Abstentions: 4 Councillors: Martin Burfoot, Dawn Greatorex, Peter Slack and Nick Whitehead.


The Chair declared the amendment CARRIED. The amendment then became the substantive motion.


The substantive motion was then put to a recorded vote and it was:




1.     That Council note the responses received to the public consultation exercise, has due regard to the responses, and consider which, if any, of the six potential sites previously identified are to be progressed as temporary site(s) for use by Travellers.  


2.     That in accordance with the 2024 – 2028 Derbyshire Dales Corporate Plan commitment to deliver permanent and temporary sites for Travellers, authority be delegated to the Director of Housing to progress the provision of a temporary site (subject to planning permission) on land at Matlock Station, Derwent Way, Matlock for a site occupation period of 2 years and just for named travellers for whom the Council has a homelessness obligation through their local connection. Such provision is to include necessary facilities and services to satisfy the human welfare needs of the site occupiers and to mitigate potential impacts identified through the consultation, on the surrounding environment, and on the host communities, as far as possible.


3.     That subject to planning permission, further temporary site provision be made for a site occupation period of 2 years just for named travellers for whom the Council has a homelessness obligation through their local connection, at the following sites: at Station Yard Car Park, Matlock Bath (occupation annually restricted to 1st November – 28th February), land beyond the Car Park Old Station Close, Rowsley (occupation annually restricted to 1st March – 31st October), and Land to north-west of cemetery, New Road, Middleton (occupation annually restricted to 1st March –31st October), with a week’s leeway allowed in each restriction. Such provision is to include necessary facilities and services to satisfy the human welfare needs of the site occupiers and measures to mitigate potential impacts identified through the consultation, on the surrounding environment, and on the host communities, as far as possible.


4.     That authority be delegated to the Director of Housing to submit applications for planning permission in respect of the above sites.  


5.     That subject to (1) (2) (3) and (4) above an initial sum of £10,000 be included in the capital programme for a temporary traveller site, financed from the corporate plan priority reserve, and that authority be delegated to the Director of Housing to formulate proposals for further capital funding to enable the selected sites to be included in the capital programme in accordance with the council’s financial regulations.


6.     That sites at the ARC at Matlock and the land to the southwest of Hopton Rd Wirksworth be withdrawn on the grounds of location and environmental issues.

As requested by Councillor Stuart Lees and seconded by Councillor Susan Hobson, the recorded vote is detailed below:


For: 15 Councillors: Robert Archer, Matt Buckler, Sue Burfoot, Bob Butcher, Neil Buttle, Peter Dobbs, Steve Flitter, Marilyn Franks, David Hughes, Joanne Linthwaite, Laura Mellstrom, Peter O’Brien, Lucy Peacock, Simon Ripton and Nick Wilton


Against: 10 Councillors: Anthony Bates, John Bointon, Geoff Bond, Sue Bull, David Chapman, Nigel Edwards-Walker, Helen Froggatt, Gareth Gee, Susan Hobson and Stuart Lees.


Abstentions: 4 Councillors: Martin Burfoot, Dawn Greatorex, Peter Slack and Nick Whitehead.


The Chair declared the substantive motion CARRIED.

Supporting documents: