To enable members of the public to ask questions, express views or present petitions, IF NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN, (by telephone, in writing or by email) BY NO LATER THAN 12 NOON OF THE WORKING DAY PRECEDING THE MEETING. As per Procedural Rule 14.4 at any one meeting no person may submit more than 3 questions and no more than 1 such question may be asked on behalf of one organisation.
In accordance with the procedure for public participation, the following people attended the meeting to speak on Item 7 – Report of Cllr Marilyn Franks, Chair of the Gypsy and Traveller Working Group:
- Councillor Kath Potter (Rowsley Parish Council (Peak District National Park representative))
- Councillor Jo Wildgoose (Local Resident and Rowsley Parish Council)
- Councillor Louise Moran (Matlock Bath Parish Council)
- Councillor Caroline Cooper (Ashbourne Town Council)
- Councillor Denise Brown (Ashbourne Town Council)
- Councillor Sandra Spencer (Ashbourne Town Council)
- Councillor Ann Smith (Ashbourne Town Council / Local Resident)
- Councillor Julie Bishop (Darley Dale Town Council)
- Victor Launert (Local Resident)
- George Ashbrook (Ashbrook Roofing Supplies)
- Richard Walsh (Local Resident)
- Richard Bean (Natural Stone Sales Ltd)
- I Thompson (TW Auto Engineers)
- Ines Hankinson (Forged Solutions)
- Erin Hankinson (Local Resident)
- Victoria Friend (Local Resident)
- Stephen Walton (Local Resident)
- Kerry Andrews (Level Centre)
- Amanda Heading (Local Resident)
- Paul Cottam (Local Resident)
- Stephen Maskrey (Local Resident)
- John Youatt (Local Resident)
- Mike Walton (Local Resident)
- Rupert Pugh (Heights of Abraham)
- Harry Burgess (T.C. Harrison Group Ltd)
In accordance with the procedure for public participation the following questions were received:
QUESTION from Victoria Friend, Local Resident - Item 7; report of Cllr Marilyn Franks, Chair of the Gypsy and Traveller Working Group
Why has a new tap and pipework been installed at Old Station Close in Rowsley when the decision has not yet been made to designate the site a temporary Travellers’ site?
Our records show that the last works to the tap was undertaken in November 2019.
QUESTION from Beeley Parish Council - Item 7; report of Cllr Marilyn Franks, Chair of the Gypsy and Traveller Working Group
To whom it may concern,
I am emailing on behalf of Beeley Parish Council to express concern over the inclusion of Station Close car park in Rowsley in your consultation for a potential traveller site. This site was looked at by the previous administration and deemed unsuitable following discussions with local businesses, residents and the parish council. Why is it being looked at again? Nothing has changed so we don't understand why it is being re-examined. Will other sites deemed as being unsuitable be re-considered?
Could you also please explain why work has already been carried out at this site to make it suitable again? I believe a tap has been replaced. Surely if a true consultation was being carried out no public expenditure would be incurred on the site until this has been completed? Please could you tell me the reason for this work?
Please will you ensure the Parish Council's concerns are raised at the meeting?
Best wishes,
The District Council has limited available land in its ownership. The Station Close car park has been included as a potential temporary site because it is one of only a few sites which are capable of being used as a temporary site as determined by the Traveller Working Group. The site has previously had planning consent for temporary use for 4 caravans for a period of 9 months, granted in March 2013. The Council has records for the site and the last works to the tap were undertaken in November 2019.
QUESTION from Ines Hankinson, Forged Solutions - Item 7; report of Cllr Marilyn Franks, Chair of the Gypsy and Traveller Working Group
1. Will the proposed code of conduct for those residing on temporary sites as well as an overview of how the council envisages to enforce compliance to such code be made available for review and comment considering the existing budget constraints?
2. How does the gypsy and traveller working group envisage the format of the referenced public consultation? No member of the gypsy and traveller working group has been in touch with key local businesses to understand the challenges faced as well as poor historic experience with such groups in the vicinity. This has not changed since the last meeting.
3. Will surrounding interested parties be directly consulted and included during the generation of local impact assessments for any proposed site, be it temporary or permanent before any revised recommendations are published?
1. The code of conduct has been developed by the Traveller working group. Following adoption by the Committee, the code will be issued to the two traveller families. Contraventions of the code will recorded and the families notified by letter.
2. The detailed format of the consultation is being considered. Para 2.11 of the report sets out the format of the consultation.
3. Online surveys and public meetings will provide the opportunity for everyone to respond to the consultation.
Councillor Susan Hobson presented a petition on behalf of the residents of Morledge, Matlock, objecting to the Arc Car Park, Morledge, Matlock being used as a potential temporary Gypsy and Traveller site. The Chair and Petitions Officer formally accepted the petition.
Ms Victoria Friend presented a petition objecting to Old Station Road Car Park, Rowsley being used as a potential temporary Gypsy and Traveller site. The Chair and Petitions Officer formally accepted the petition.
19:24pm - the meeting adjourned.
19:33pm - the meeting reconvened.
Supporting documents: