Agenda item

Leaders' Announcements

Announcements of the Leader of the Council.


Councillor Steve Flitter, Leader of the Council, gave the following announcements:


“Well, it is nice to be back, as you will have heard we had a traumatic end to our holiday in Australia. Some would think it a bonus to be stranded in Dubai, but 24 hours sat on a plane, two days without sleep and thousands of people arguing, shouting and some fighting in the airport because of a sheer lack of information and communication was not my idea of bliss. And the story does not end there but I will not bore you with detail, however talking to people in the right way and showing respect, breeds respect, and that is what eased the strain we were under.


The D2 Leaders Strategic Board last Thursday was eventful, at our first meeting, it seems like the desire to chair and control the board meetings once again became an issue. Just like Ashbourne Reborn. Cllr Nigel Barker (Lab) from Northeast Derbyshire was elected much to my expectation but Cllr Barry Lewis was clearly unhappy, and after a statement that left no clarity, only confusion, as he intimidated a reduction in officer support, hosting and finance. When we came to item 7 talking about a partnership team and financial resources, it was clear that no-one could actually pin down the thoughts of the previous chair. I suggested that we accepted the creation of a support team in principle and worked on the financial aspect when the County’s leader’s actions had become clearer, then everyone would be aware of what was happening. I have spoken at length with Cllr Dawson and hopefully, we are to meet tomorrow to discuss a way forward.


Last year I had made it clear that the Progressive Alliance would work within the budget restraints but at the same time change the emphasis into a more open and transparent council. A council that appreciates its hard working and loyal staff, building a solid foundation for the future. Working alongside the corporate leadership team and other valued members of their teams we have now succeeded in creating a new corporate plan, that sets out our aims and objectives. We have now begun consultation on a new and exciting local plan that inspires support for rural villages, market towns and residents across the Derbyshire Dales.


We have addressed the needs of climate change and biodiversity as a green thread throughout our policies, and completed works on decarbonisation of our buildings. We are exploring avenues to increase social housing to meet the needs of our local communities. We have reinstated some visitor toilet facilities in the Dales hotspots and the car parking review almost complete that saw residents with an extra hour of free parking with the bonus of supporting local business. Our economic development team are continuing to support local business not only with advice but also through UKSPF grants and other funding generated by this council. The list is endless.


So, what is in store for next year, well now comes the test of delivering the corporate plan, working hard to remain within another restricted budget that has predicted a shortfall, working with the new East Midlands Mayor to attract inward investment into the Dales, I have sent a letter to invite Claire Ward here for talks as some of her policies complement our thoughts.


Two major tasks lie ahead, and they are the Leisure and Waste contracts, not imminent but very important and detailed needing a high level of support to prepare for the future, I have asked Mr Wilson again to look at the possibility of a project manager and ways of increasing our capability and resilience for the council to prepare in good time.


There is a new sense of ease around the council and many staff are happy to stop and chat when meeting them in the corridor or when I walk into an office and this allows discussion to flow, I want every member of staff to feel free to express their views, they are part of the team.


At a recent meeting I said that, although hotly disputed by some, that to create PA working groups to work with officers to develop policy and cross-party working groups to work on more general issues was the right way to proceed, this method has been successful and brought dividends in creating an understanding in supporting action on policy. I still feel that a small number of members on a working group is more focused and becomes less of a talking shop and creates definite action.


I also have to say a few words on Traveller’s. This is one of the issues we inherited from the last administration that failed in over 20 years to solve it. To the people of Matlock Bath and to Cllr Whitehead, you have our support, you and the travellers should not have to endure the problems you are facing, it may seem that we are dragging our feet, but everyone was questioning and critical, including our MP, of the criteria set for traveller sites. We set those criteria and now have to follow the process. Some sites will shortly be going out for consultation, but it does not help when misinformation is given to residents or assumptions are wrongly made. It would help if the support from all members of this council would accept that this need from the travelling community was shared across the dales and not just in one area.

It would be remiss of me if I didn’t mention and congratulate colleagues in the labour and green parties for their successes in the local elections and just point out that the recent elections produced more liberal democrat councillors that the Conservatives, roll on July 4th.


I am sorry to hear that Jason Spencer is soon to leave this authority to take up a new post and I want to say that while he has been with us, he has excelled in adding value and credibility to Derbyshire Dales. Unfortunately, he won’t be with us in July but I believe we have a new and experienced elections manager in place however the bar has been set at a very high level.”